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Character Description

While this is is for descriptive purposes it may contain spoilers so read at your own risk.

Character Description: Headliner


Ever since the fifth episode of InuYasha aired on Cartoon Network here in the United States I practically joined the forces of Sesshomaru Fans across the world. The InuYasha series has finally come to an end with InuYasha: The Final Act I haven’t lost my fondness for Lord Sesshomaru and he will continue to be my favorite character from InuYasha. I know that there are many other fans out there and new ones being created every day since the InuYasha episode have become available to watch over the internet. This is the reason why I’ve decided to put a lot of effort into taking all the descriptions of Sesshomaru that are scattered around on the internet and combining them so that there is a universal description of this wonderful character. As the months go by I will continue to add information that I find on the internet and continue to expand the description until there is no more information to be found on the character. My disclaimer is that this character is copyright to its respective owners and all information that I use in this description did not come straight from my knowledge. All the information used in this description is cited at the end of the page. This character description is based mostly off the anime version of Sesshomaru. There are also some spoilers so beware if you haven’t watched all of the anime including the Final Act.

Character Description: About


Sesshomaru has two forms which both can be seen in the anime, a human like form, and his true demon form. His human form resembles most human features except for his ears his markings, and his eye color. In order to describe him more accurately I’ll describe his feature head to toe in each form then his clothing. Sesshomaru like his brother has silver hair although his is much longer than InuYasha’s reaching to his knees. His ears are pointed and look almost elf like when compared to that of a normal human. On the center of his forehead is a blue crescent moon along with magenta stripes on his eyelids. On both his cheeks there are two magenta colored stripes which have matching stripes on his wrists. His fingernails are longer and sharper than most humans and can be referred to as claws. Overall his body appears to be slim and feminine. Yet in episode nineteen he bares half his chest and shoulder to reveal that he is quite well built underneath his clothing. He also has a large length of fur on his right shoulder that is not clothing but a part of his body that remains even when he is transformed into his true self. He also does not have a left arm for most the anime since InuYasha cuts it off when he is in his true form although he does gain it back eventually at the end of the Final Act series.


His other form is his true dog demon self. This form has similarities with his human form in that the markings are almost the same. When he transforms in the anime to his true form it is usually consists of his eyes turning a bright red color, and his markings enlarge, become more jagged and intensify in color. His transformation from his human to true form usually occurs within a tornado encircling him while his form grows. His true form is also much larger than his human form which can be seen when he fights InuYasha at his father’s grave. When he transforms after his fight at the grave you will notice that the front left leg is missing since InuYasha cut it off, but no worries because it does not hinder Sesshomaru at all.


The clothing that Sesshomaru wears is of a mixed variety in my standards. After researching I have found that there are some Chinese influences in his armor and flowing sash, though the rest of his clothing are representative of traditional Japanese clothing. He wears a kimono with a red hexagon and flower crest at the collar and sleeves with the rest of it being white. His pants which are a traditional looking flowing Japanese pant appear balloon like because they are gathered around the ankle which I assume allows him to comfortable wear his shoes without tripping. He also has armor which covers his entire midsection and also extends over his left shoulder looping around to attach in the back to form a spiky pauldron. This armor is self regenerating as can be seen when it is damaged in the anime during battle.

Character Description: About


Sesshomaru personality somewhat befits the power and rank that he has. He often appears cold and emotionless to other although he does experience them. He may look calm on the inside but is seething on the inside when he is annoyed. Emotions seem to be very difficult to express for him, but his journey throughout the anime seems to change him a little bit. Unlike other demons in the anime he shows no interest in possessing the Shikon jewel shards because he seems to find using them to enhance one’s power distasteful and feels confident enough with the powers that he possesses not to need the jewel shards. Throughout the anime we learn that he hardly ever talks unless it is absolutely a necessity (usually when dealing with a fighting matter) and when he does he talking in a straight forward manner getting to the point rather than taking his time talking. Sesshomaru does have the tendency to talk to people who he thinks are lower than him in a rude manner like his brother, but in a more sophisticated way. Sesshomaru unlike InuYasha despises humans, but he learns to eventually like them more with his companionship with Rin. Part of Sesshomaru’s personality throughout the anime is brought on because he thinks that his father was unfair to him for leaving him the Tenseiga and he thinks that their father’s death is InuYasha’s mothers fault.

Character Description: About


Sesshomaru actually has very little family that is seen in the anime or known of. His only blood relations are his brother InuYasha, his father Inu No Taisho, and his mother InuKimi (named by fans since no name is presented). InuYasha his brother is a half-demon born to his father and a human woman named Izayoi. Sesshomaru hates his brother for this reason, and does not see him fit to be his brother often fighting him with the intent to kill him. His father and mother are both even more powerful than Sesshomaru. His relationship with his father seems distant when compared to his seemingly close relationship to his mother, which can be seen in the Final Act Series.

Character Description: About


Unlike most characters, Sesshomaru doesn’t have that many relationships beyond that of his family and is considered a loner. In the beginning of the series we see him only with Jaken who has taken to following Sesshomaru. Though we learn that at one time Sesshomaru was indeed traveling by himself. Sesshomaru only has five relationships outside of those that are his family and some of them he does not care for much. The first relationship he develops is with Jaken who took to following him after he inherently helped him without meaning to. Sesshomaru gave Jaken a two headed staff which he carries all the time, and Jaken sticks with him even in the mist of battle. After being injured by InuYasha in a graveside battle he meets Rin who tries to take care of him, but when she is dying after being attacked by Koga’s wolves he revives her with Tenseiga. When Kikyo is killed by Naraku Sesshomaru protects Kohaku who possesses the last shard of the Shikon jewel and helps Sesshomaru protect Rin. Then after meeting Kagura he develops a respect towards her and spends her last moments with her in the Final Act. The last relationship that he develops is with Kagome who eventually becomes his sister-in-law. Although they started as enemies they ended up being allies when battling Naraku, but when became his sister-in-law he seems to be a bit annoyed especially by the fact that she calls him “brother”.

Character Description: About


Sesshomaru is quite strong have a total of fifteen unique powers and abilities that attribute to his strength. I divide the fifteen powers into three categories Sensory, Physical, and Demonic. The first category includes powers and abilities that are more sensory related than the other two categories and includes his heightened senses, his heightened reflexes, and his Telekinetic/Telepathic ability. Like their name his heightened senses and reflexes are just as their name describes being heightened above those of lesser demons, half-demons and humans. His ability to telekinetically move objects and use telepathy is quite astonishing especially when he can be seen using them in the anime.

The second category includes abilities that are mostly physical powers including MokoMoko, Immunity, Heightened Endurance, Heightened Speed, Heightened Strength, Immortality, and Regeneration. Most of the powers in this category are self explanatory except for MokoMoko. MokoMoko is a power that refers to the fur on Sesshomaru’s shoulder. This ability allows him to elongate it to long lengths, and wrap around opponents to constrict their movement.


The third category includes abilities that don’t fit quite in the other categories and are characteristic of powers that demons might possess including poison claw, light whip, flight, teleportation, and Yoki release. The teleportation and flight are self explanatory as to what they do and are used for. Poison claw, allow Sesshomaru to melt virtually anything that his class come in contact with. His poison claw and light whip are both seen with the right arm. His light whip is a whip made with energy that Sesshomaru sometimes uses to help him in place of his missing left arm. Yoki release is something that I’m not so familiar with but my best description is it is an extension of his demonic aura.

Character Description: About


Throughout the anime Sesshomaru uses four different swords, the Tenseiga, Tetsusaiga, Tokijin, and Bakusaiga. The first of these swords, Tenseiga, was forged from his father’s right fang which can save 100 souls in one swipe. Sesshomaru feels that this is unfair because he thinks he has no use for a sword which can’t cut, yet he uses it a few times like he is testing just what it can do. On the opposite end is the Tetsusaiga forged from his father’s left fang that can kill 100 demons in one strike. He believes that he is the rightful heir to this sword and does manage to take it away from InuYasha when he receives a human arm embedded with a sacred jewel shard to replace his from Naraku. This doesn’t last long forcing him to remove the arm. When he still hasn’t obtained Tetsusaiga he asks one of apprentices that Totosai deemed unworthy to keep training named Kajinbo. He took the head of the demon, Goshinki, which broke InuYasha’s sword during battle. The sword when forged by Goshinki however had an evil aura that could possess those without the strength to resists its power. Sesshomaru is the only one that was able to handle the sword without being overtaken by its aura, instead he is able to suppress the aura it exudes. When Tokijin breaks he is back to using the sword left to him Tenseiga. In the Final Act when battling Magatsuhi he gains Bakusaiga when he lets go of his obsession with Tetsusaiga, and in the process also regains his arm. This sword is different from the others swords he has used because it is able to stop regenerative capabilities of demons leaving them without the ability to heal where they are hit by the sword.


There is one ability that Sesshomaru has with swords is called the Dragon Strike (Soryuha) which forms by Sesshomaru waving his sword in a circle in the air. The Dragon Strike takes the form of a dragon-like lightning. He can also use this to break through enemies barriers by sending the attack into the ground. What is unusual about this ability is it seems to stem from his own powers rather than the swords. In the anime and movies its is seen being used with Tenseiga and Tokijin. This ability is befitting of Sesshomaru who seems like he would be annoyed in only have to use one weapon to activate the power, but he doesn’t so I guess he won’t be annoyed except by his brother.

Character Description: About


There is so much information that you can learn about Sesshomaru by watching the InuYasha anime. However, now that the anime has official ended with InuYasha the Final Act we may never get the answers to our questions about Sesshomaru. We can only speculate through fan fiction about aspects of Sesshomaru that we don’t know about. Sesshomaru will forever remain the best anime character from the InuYasha anime.


            I tried to use the sources very little for this.

-          Wikipedia –

-          Killing Perfection -

-          InuYasha Wiki -ōmaru

-          Absolute Anime - 

Character Description: About
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